We’re in the Cattle Business
We’re in the Cattle Business

So after several weeks of building fences and other preparations, we finally have cattle on the ranch. We have 9 adults and 5 calves that I bought from my father-in-law. The two cows that don’t have calves should be bred, so I’m off to a good start. These are Black Angus crosses.  Additionally we purchased

Getting Hot in Here – Part II

Well, I had my day in court.  Totally unsatisfying. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, read part 1 here. Back to the story.  I spent several hours preparing my presentation to face Jon Muran in small claims court.  I prepared three copies of my invoices, cashed checks, receipts, text log, etc.  I even wrote

A Look at the Numbers
A Look at the Numbers

Monday, November 18, 2019 We’ve been in the home for 2 months now and are wrapping up the build.  Still have a few odds and ends that hopefully will be complete in 2017.  But at this time I think it’s safe to publish the numbers – what it took to pull this off.  I’ve made

And More Water – Part II
And More Water – Part II

It didn’t take long for the cisterns and small pond to fill up, so I expanded the puddle to a full-fledged pond. This will make a nice water feature in the front of the house and will further aid in providing irrigation to the orchard. The pond holds about another 4,000 gallons – yielding a

And More Water – Part I
And More Water – Part I

As everyone is suffering from post-election exhaustion here in the USA, we at Amber Oaks are focused on ways to distance ourselves from those who wish to rule us.  I’m just about finished with our rainwater catchment system. Before we left Santa Fe, I scored three 1500gal direct burial cisterns for $2,400. That’s like waaay

Finally Home
Finally Home

We’re finally home!  On Thanksgiving Day we made our final push to move into the house. It was an exhausting few weeks leading up to it, but we’re finally home. There is still plenty to do, only one bathroom, and the kitchen needs some finishing touches, but it’s livable. It will be much easier to

Getting Hot in Here

I’ve been avoiding this post for about 2 months now, but since I have to collect my thoughts before I go to court, I may as well do it here. Several months back, just before the drywall was installed, the air conditioner went out at the In-Law’s house (where we’re staying).  I got to talking with the

What Lurks Behind the Walls
What Lurks Behind the Walls

You probably never give much thought to what’s behind the walls, but like our own bodies, that is where the life support system resides.  It can be costly to fix after the walls are finished, it’s like undergoing bypass surgery – very invasive.  Especially in this case, since we are spraying in foam insulation.  Just about

Stairway from Hell?
Stairway from Hell?

You don’t think too much about stairways, but they’re a bit tricky to get right, and I have been thinking about and planning this stairway all week.  There are several websites that will do the math for you so I bought the wood, grabbed my pencil and speed square and got to work – yeah, right.

Moving on Up
Moving on Up

Exceptional week at the ranch.  Got the second story floor joists put up, and all the decking down.  It wasn’t without its complications, however.  I ordered the 20 engineered wooden I-beams from McCoy’s with specific instructions to group them into 5’s so that I could lift them with my tractor.  When they got to the

Oh, What a Relief
Oh, What a Relief

Completed the installation of the septic system. Fortunately Williamson County concluded that my soil would support a gravity fed anaerobic system (without pumps or chemicals). I’m surprised at how big the drain field needed to be. It’s actually larger than the one we had in Santa Fe, and that was for 3 bathrooms and really

Almost Home
Almost Home

Yes, It has been a long time since I’ve published, but things have been progressing very slowly.  The building was initially delayed due to severe rains in May here in Central Texas, so I started off at least a month behind where I had intended to be.  Once construction got underway, there were several starts and