We’re Live

Sure, it goes without saying, I have a blog and you’re reading it, so of course it’s on the internet. Well, things don’t always happen as they appear. I’ve been working on the blog for a few days, trying to figure out WordPress and all before I went live. Well today, my nephew hooked me

Life Before Amber Oaks

We moved to Santa Fe in 2006 from Frisco, TX, a suburb of Dallas. I was getting tired of living the suburban lifestyle, and a job opening afforded me the opportunity to move. Santa Fe is 30 miles south of Houston, and while technically a suburb, it is definitely “country”. The in-laws were living in

The Journey Begins

This is the start of a new adventure. As of today, I received the signed contract on 70 acres about 35 miles ENE of Austin, TX. Over the course of the next several months, we will be building a house, selling a house, moving, and setting up a Cow-Calf operation. This web-log is setup to